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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a psychological treatment modality that can be used to treat depression. It’s based on the belief that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all connected. If we change thoughts and behavior, we can improve overall well-being. We achieve this by developing coping mechanisms and building skills.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a therapy-centric program that helps an individual identify the thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to mental health disorders. It typically takes place over many weeks or several months. During treatment, we encourage participants to test what they have learned in real-life applications.

Techniques used in CBT can include:

  • Calming/grounding techniques
  • Facing fears head-on
  • Observations of thought patterns
  • Role playing situations that may trigger

These are not the only methods used in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, but they are the most common. Each person’s CBT treatment will look different because no two people are alike. Depression may manifest in one way for one person and in another way for others.

A licensed psychologist or therapist with a background in treating depression and other mental health conditions always conducts CBT. We often use it in conjunction with medical supervision.

The Three Methods Behind Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

There are three main methods used in the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy process: cognitive restructuring, behavioral activation, and exposure therapy. Care providers may use all three or only one or two.

Cognitive restructuring works to help clients understand their thoughts and emotions, learning to release negative or harmful beliefs. Then, the goal is to replace those harmful thoughts with calmer, more realistic ideals. This reduces the frequency of depressive thoughts, reframing one’s mindset to promote a healthier lifestyle and way of thinking.

Behavioral activation increases the engagement in positive and rewarding activities to counteract depressive or negative thoughts. This is done by setting goals and having consistent exposure to activities that excite and stimulate the brain. The behavioral activation method gives clients a sense of purpose, drawing them out of depression and regaining momentum and positivity. 

Exposure therapy is exactly what it sounds like. We expose clients to the sources of their depression, anxiety, or trauma with the goal of helping them become unaffected by them. We conduct this exposure in a safe, controlled environment under the supervision of therapists and mental health professionals. During this method of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, clients will learn to manage and overcome their triggers and the depressing reactions that come along with them.

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can be Integrated into Each Level of Care

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be used in many different levels of care. From residential mental healthcare to intensive outpatient programs. CBT can easily be integrated into any level of care and customized to fit the needs of the client. 

Outpatient programs give the client the opportunity to apply what they have learned into their everyday life. They can leave treatment and immediately begin to use their coping mechanisms and positive reinforcements. In residential programs, we conduct CBT in a more controlled environment, but we still provide plenty of opportunities for clients to practice what they have learned.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps stabilize and intervene in crises by putting the current situation into perspective for clients and guiding them through it. This approach especially involves cognitive restructuring, as clients actively work to reframe their thinking during a crisis.

Depression & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is amongst the most evidence-based treatment methods for acute mental health conditions like depression. 

CBT treats depression on a surface level and also addresses co-occurring situations that may worsen the condition. This could include relationship troubles, financial problems, employment stress, and other factors that could lead one into depressive or negative thinking. 

Instead of just using medication to manage depression, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy encourages clients to take back control of their mentality and way of thinking for long-term success. However, when combined with medication management, the results are even more positive. 

Alter Your Way of Thinking

If you or someone you know is exhibiting signs of depression, Alter’s Cognitive Behavioral Therapy may be the right program. There is no “one-size-fits all” method of treating depression, which is why our clinical team adjusts each plan and program for the individual’s needs. Whether you are seeking treatment for the first time or the fifth time, we use evidence-backed and proven methods and modalities to treat depression.

We understand that not everyone is able to commit to several weeks or months of residential depression treatment, which is why we offer Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in all levels of care. Clients can experience CBT through our residential care, intensive outpatient treatment, and partial hospitalization programs. Depression does not have to always be the cloud looming over your life, give us a call today and learn about your treatment options. We’re ready to lead you towards a happier, healthier future. 

About Alter

Alter is a behavioral healthcare provider that specializes in evidence-based clinical treatment approaches. We provide a wide range of programs for adults and families experiencing mental health conditions including  schizophrenia, depression, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, substance abuse, and more. This is done through client-centered care for a full-continuum of treatment. We serve the entire U.S. population from our revolutionary locations throughout sunny Southern California. Whether an individual needs 24/7 care or wants an outpatient program – we are there to guide every step of the journey. For more information, give us a call at (877) 613-9776 or visit our website at

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