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High-Functioning Autism: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Support

High-Functioning Autism: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Support

High-functioning autism is the diagnosis of autism where an individual is still able to carry out basic functions and tasks like someone without autism would be able to. This can include speaking, reading, writing, and basic skills like eating, getting dressed, and holding a job. Autism itself is a developmental brain disorder that can range in severity. The ranges of diagnosis are regarded as the “autism spectrum.” High-functioning autism is lower on the spectrum.

Symptoms of High-Functioning Autism

People on the autism spectrum, including those who have high-functioning autism, often experience challenges with social interaction and communication. They may struggle to read social cues and find it hard to form friendships. When they do form friendships they may be prone to dramatic falling outs that end the connection. Social situations can be so overwhelming that they might withdraw or shut down, going silent. Eye contact and casual conversation can also be difficult for them.

Those experiencing high-functioning autism often have a strong preference for routine and order, sometimes engaging in repetitive or restrictive behaviors that others might find unusual. This may include restrictive eating or rituals when going throughout the day. People with high-functioning autism may also be fixated on patterns.

Their success in school and work can vary widely. While some excel academically, others may become overwhelmed and struggle to focus. Similarly, some are able to maintain employment, while others find it extremely challenging. The experience differs from person to person, but a common thread among those with high-functioning autism is difficulty with social skills.

Diagnosing High-Functioning Autism

The diagnosis process for high-functioning autism involves three core phases:

  • Developmental monitoring: During routine well-check visits, your doctor might ask about your development and may interact with you to assess their progress. They will use a variety of testing and evaluation methods to determine differences in your development.
  • Developmental screening: This step involves a more detailed examination of your development. It’s a standard part of well-check visits, even if there are no immediate concerns about high-functioning autism. If there are concerns, your doctor might recommend additional screenings. These focus on your movement, cognitive abilities, behavior, emotions, and language.
  • Developmental diagnosis: If your doctor identifies potential concerns related to high-functioning autism, they may refer you to a specialist. This could include a psychologist, speech-language pathologist, developmental pediatrician, occupational therapist, or another expert.

The specialist may conduct a formal developmental evaluation, which might involve additional tests, interviews, or questionnaires to better understand your strengths and challenges. The results will help the doctor determine if you have a developmental condition.

Typically, your doctor will ask about your current life, including how you interact with others, any repetitive behaviors, your interests, and any challenges you face. They may also inquire about your health history, sometimes speaking with a parent or sibling to gain a better understanding of your early development.

Lead a Fulfilling Life

People with high-functioning autism are able to lead a “normal” fulfilling life. Often, people with the disorder just need a little extra support when it comes to social, academic, and employment skills. This support may be in the form of extra time to complete tasks, structured social outings, and alternative interview processes. Find what speaks to you and what you excel at. Don’t look at your high-functioning autism as a disability, look at it as alternative abilities.

Get Autism Treatment Near You

Finding a treatment center for high-functioning autism can be complicated. At Alter Behavioral Health we specialize in research backed treatment methods for autism at all levels of the spectrum. If you or someone you know could benefit from high-functioning autism treatment, give our admissions team a call. We have the strategies and programs needed to help you navigate your condition to lead a happy, fulfilling life. 

About Alter

Alter is a behavioral healthcare provider that specializes in evidence-based clinical treatment approaches. We provide a wide range of programs for adults and families experiencing mental health conditions including  schizophrenia, depression, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, substance abuse, and more. This is done through client-centered care for a full-continuum of treatment. We serve the entire U.S. population from our revolutionary locations throughout sunny Southern California. Whether an individual needs 24/7 care or wants an outpatient program – we are there to guide every step of the journey. For more information, give us a call at (877) 613-9776 or visit our website at

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