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Alter Behavioral Health™ Awards Scholarship to California Student to Enhance Mental Health Awareness and Support

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Megan Suh has been distinguished as the awardee of the prestigious Alter Behavioral Health™ Mental Health Campus Partnership Contest. This competition called upon California students to formulate proposals geared towards enhancing mental health awareness and support among their peers. The initiative’s primary goal was to bolster awareness of the BeWellLine made available through a grant from CalMHSA and the California Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS).

The BeWellLine is an Alter Behavioral Health™ effort to make a difference across California, especially for teenagers and younger adults facing a challenging situation. BeWellLine is a no-cost crisis counseling assistance and training program whose mission is to make mental health care, life guidance, and community-based counseling available to everyone and to do so free of charge. In a world where access to mental health care and life guidance can often seem elusive, BeWellLine stands as a beacon of hope and support for individuals across California. Their approach to care is unique and deeply rooted in the principles of compassion, community, and empowerment. At BeWellLine, they offer assistance in a multitude of ways tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. No matter what you’re going through — whether it’s anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or simply the ups and downs of life—they are here to provide guidance, a listening ear, and a helping hand. Their dedicated team of counselors and peer supporters is committed to walking beside you on your path to wellness.

Megan Suh, a junior hailing from Dougherty Valley High School in San Ramon, California,  has aspirations of becoming a veterinarian. However, she also showcased a profound commitment to mental health in her winning proposal. In her own words, “Every day I come across situations that constantly inspire and challenge me to find ways to work on my mental health and encourage others to do the same.”

Suh’s proposal outlines her intention to introduce the BeWellLine program as a complimentary mental health service for students and staff at her school. This endeavor involves collaborating with the institution’s wellness center and the county’s Wellness in Schools Program to organize mental health awareness events, activities, and social media outreach. Additionally, her endeavors are focused on bringing attention to BeWellLine, a virtual emotional support platform that offers invaluable resources for those seeking help and support. Suh is also committed to promoting Mindfuli, an innovative mental health therapy platform designed to provide continuous, long-term care and ongoing support for individuals in need of mental health assistance.

The BeWellLine and Mindfuli have an exciting journey ahead as they embark on a transformational path to create a new era of mental health support. They are actively exploring the concept of providing longitudinal care, a departure from the conventional single encounter model. Their aim is to pioneer a continuum of care that ensures ongoing support and empowerment for individuals seeking mental health assistance.  Central to this transformation is their commitment to leveraging innovation and technology. They are dedicated to crafting a prevention and diversion platform that offers free mental health support, ensuring that individuals can access the care they need when they need it. By harnessing diagnostics and innovative tools that have proven to enhance the quality of care, they strive to elevate the mental health support landscape. This forward-looking approach aligns with their mission of fostering holistic well-being and providing ongoing care that makes a real difference. Their journey involves not just improving existing services but revolutionizing the way mental health support is delivered.

It is noteworthy that BeWellLine recently celebrated a significant milestone, having facilitated over 100,000 care encounters. These encounters encompass a wide spectrum of interactions, including online chats, videos, and phone calls with California residents who reached out for a compassionate listening ear, support, and guidance during their struggles with mental health challenges.

This grant-funded free emotional support warmline extends unlimited support sessions with trained peer counselors to California residents. Those requiring more advanced mental health care are referred to Mindfuli, a virtual mental health therapy platform, and other relevant resources.

Suh’s meticulously crafted proposal additionally outlines a strategy to recruit student representatives from each grade level. These representatives will engage in regular networking with mental health professionals and collaborate with school administrators to execute the initiative effectively.

Notably, the contest winner had the option of choosing between a $5,000 scholarship program and a $5,000 internship stipend. Suh opted for the paid internship, demonstrating her commitment to working closely with the Alter team to bring her proposal to fruition.

In a letter of congratulations, Michael Castanon, CEO of Alter Behavioral Health™, praised Suh’s “thoughtful and comprehensive proposal,” highlighting her clear vision for introducing the BeWellLine program to her school. He commended her dedication to mental health awareness and support, recognizing the potential for a profound and lasting positive impact on her school community. [1] Research conducted by the Office of Population Affairs indicates that while many adolescents have positive mental health experiences, approximately 49.5 percent of adolescents have encountered a mental health disorder at some point in their lives. Castanon stated, “We are certain that your efforts will greatly contribute to making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.”

About Alter Behavioral Health™

Alter Behavioral Health™ provides a range of mental health services that combine the latest science and evidence-based treatment with compassion and understanding to help people recover, grow, and build a better life than they had before. To that end, its network of mental health facilities provides a diverse array of treatments and services that aim to promote holistic healing. With several locations in Southern California, Alter Behavioral Health™ is proud to serve people throughout the nation.

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